Tips for keeping a clean and tidy home despite a demanding job

Tips for keeping a clean and tidy home despite a demanding job

Welcome to our ultimate guide to keeping your home clean and tidy despite a demanding job. We understand how difficult it can be to manage a full-time job while trying to keep a clean home, especially if you also have a family to manage. That’s why we’ve put together a collection of tips and strategies that will help you save time, stay organized, and even delegate some cleaning tasks. Whether you’re a busy single, an overwhelmed parent, or a self-employed entrepreneur looking to balance work and family life, we hope this guide gives you the tools you need to keep your home in pristine condition. Let’s get started! 🧹🧼

How long does it take to clean a house?

Let’s start right: have you ever wondered how long it really takes to clean a house? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably tried to estimate how long it will take to get your humble abode back to its original glory. Rest assured, you’re not alone in this questioning!

The truth is that the amount of time it takes to clean a house can vary greatly depending on a variety of factors, such as the size of your home, how dirty it is, and the type of cleaning you plan to do. To give you a general idea, cleaning a house takes an average of 2 to 4 hours per week.

Concretely, what does this figure mean?

  • 2-4 hours per week? Yes, you read that right. This time is based on an average sized home, i.e. about 150 square meters. This is general cleaning including dusting, sweeping and mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms and kitchen.

So how can you optimize this time?

  • Divide and conquer : Don't stress about doing all your cleaning in one day. Instead, break your cleaning tasks into smaller chunks. A little bit each day will help you stay on top of the mess without taking an entire day to do it.
  • Create a routine : Set a cleaning routine and stick to it. It could be as simple as keeping Monday for cleaning the bathrooms, Tuesday for the kitchen, and so on.
  • Delegate : If you live with other people, don’t hesitate to assign them tasks. Remember, it’s a shared home, so everyone should contribute to keeping it clean!

Ultimately, no one wants to spend all of their free time cleaning. So the important thing is to organize your time and effort to ensure that your home remains a pleasant place to live without becoming a constant source of stress.

Time-Saving Cleaning Tips

In today’s busy world, finding time for intensive cleaning tasks can often seem unlikely. That’s where effective cleaning tips and tricks come in to make your life easier. Now, you’re ready to rediscover the joy of a clean space without spending all your time on it. Here, we’ll talk about cordless vacuuming, steam cleaning floors, and using natural products.

Cordless vacuum cleaner

There is no doubt that the cordless vacuum cleaner is a real savior when it comes to cleaning. It not only offers flexibility and mobility, but it can also reach hard-to-reach corners of your home with just a click.

  • Suction Power: Modern cordless vacuums do not compromise on suction power. They are able to pick up dust, hair, debris and more effortlessly.
  • Ease of Use: Without the constraints of a cord, you can go anywhere in your home, from stairs to ceilings to car interiors.

Steam floor cleaning

Steam cleaning is another foolproof cleaning tip. Hot water in the form of steam removes dirt particles deep within your carpets and floors. It is especially effective on high traffic areas that are prone to dirt and stains.

  • Steam cleaners: These machines use heat to remove grease, dirt, and bacteria. They are a great option for hardwood floors and tile because they do not require the use of chemicals.
  • Deep Cleaning: Steam cleaning penetrates below the surface for a deep clean. It also eliminates bacteria and allergens, leaving your home fresh and healthy.

Use of natural products

In addition to being environmentally friendly, using natural cleaning products is also gentle on your furniture and floors. They don't leave behind chemical residue, and are often just as effective as their synthetic counterparts.

  • Vinegar: Vinegar is a natural cleaner and disinfectant that can be used on a wide variety of surfaces.
  • Baking Soda: Baking soda, when mixed with water, forms a paste that can remove even the toughest stains.

Ultimately, by incorporating these handy cleaning hacks , you can optimize your cleaning routine while maximizing your time. So, take a deep breath, equip yourself with your new cleaning tools, and get ready to experience the difference!

Delegation of cleaning tasks

One of the major concerns in any work environment is cleaning. Choosing to delegate this task to a specialized company has several advantages, ranging from the quality of the service to the efficiency of the work provided. 👩‍💼✨

Specialized company

Using a specialized cleaning company has many advantages for your organization. Here are some of the most notable benefits:

  • Professional expertise : A specialized company has skilled workers who know exactly what to do to make your work environment clean and hygienic. It’s not just about vacuuming and dusting – these professionals know how to treat a variety of surfaces and determine which products are most effective.
  • Appropriate equipment and products : A specialized company has the equipment and products necessary to properly maintain your workspace. This means that you do not have to worry about purchasing or storing these items.
  • Save time and effort : When you outsource the cleaning work to a specialist company, it frees up time so you and your employees can focus on what matters most – your job.
“By outsourcing cleaning tasks to a specialist company, you create a cleaner, safer and more productive work environment.”

In short, when you hire a specialist cleaning company, you can be sure that your workspace will be in good hands. This frees up valuable time and energy that can be redirected to the core of your business, while ensuring an impeccable environment for your employees.

The benefits of cleaning

Every corner of our home is a reflection of ourselves; a mosaic of our tastes, our history and our memories. That’s why keeping this space clean and tidy not only helps us have a more attractive home, but it also does wonders for our mental well-being.

No matter the size of your home, simply maintaining a clean and organized environment has a significant impact on your mental health. From relieving stress to boosting your ability to recall events, cleaning offers unexpected benefits that are worth exploring.

Stress reduction

Stress is an integral part of our daily lives. Whether it’s work deadlines, personal issues, or just the general chaos of modern life, it can easily creep into our minds. But did you know that cleaning can help control that stress?

  • Calms the mind: Your external environment greatly influences your inner world. A clean and organized space creates a peaceful atmosphere, which reduces mental agitation.
  • Creates a sense of accomplishment: Finishing a task, even if it’s as simple as sorting out a closet or scrubbing a surface, provides a real sense of accomplishment. This feeling of productivity can go a long way in combating stress.
  • Provides Control: In a world where so much is out of our control, cleaning provides a sense of mastery. You determine what to clean, how to clean it, and when to do it.

Memory stimulation

Memory, like any other muscle, needs exercise to stay strong. It turns out that cleaning can also help boost your memory!

  • Concentration: Cleaning requires sustained attention to the task at hand. This active concentration improves mental clarity, which strengthens long-term memory.
  • Reconnecting with the Past: Cleaning often involves sorting through objects that have emotional meaning. By going through these objects, we are immersed in memories, which strengthens our ability to recall events.
  • Routine: Establishing a cleaning routine can help structure your time and thinking. This structure can help improve working memory.

So, the next time you see your vacuum cleaner or dust cloth, don’t think of it as a boring chore. Instead, think of it as a tool to improve your mental well-being. With every stroke of the brush, let your stress evaporate and make way for stronger memories. After all, a clean home is not only a feast for the eyes, but also for the mind.

Optimization of space and organization

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, organizing and optimizing space can seem like a huge challenge. You may often feel overwhelmed by the many different tasks that pile up in your professional and personal life. However, with the right tools and a proper strategy, you can turn this challenge into a breeze. Let’s take a look at the three essential pillars for optimal organization: the calendar, the task manager, and the note tools.


First, a good planner can become your go-to companion for effective time and task management. Have you ever noticed how efficient your day can be when you have planned it well? On the contrary, the lack of planning can create a feeling of chaos. We can never stress enough the importance of a well-maintained planner. Remember that:

  • It provides a clear overview of your commitments.
  • It helps prioritize your tasks.
  • It increases productivity by avoiding procrastination.

Task Manager

Second, a task manager is a must-have tool for ensuring effective planning and tracking of your daily tasks. It allows you to focus on what’s most important, rather than wasting time wondering what to do next. Here are some benefits of a task manager:

  • It ensures traceability and monitoring of your tasks.
  • It offers reminder functions to never forget important tasks again.
  • It offers organization features by priority, project or date.

Note tools

Finally, note-taking tools aren’t just useful for students. You’d be surprised how beneficial they can be for everyone. They can be used to jot down an idea on the fly, to list important information, or simply to make a shopping list. Here are some positive points about these tools to highlight their importance:

  • They allow you to record your ideas and thoughts quickly and efficiently.
  • You can access your notes anytime, anywhere.
  • They offer the ability to organize your notes by theme or category.

In short, optimizing space and organization does not have to be a herculean task. You just need to know how to use the tools available to us. With a good planner, an efficient task manager and a note-taking system, we can make our lives much more organized and productive.

The Pomodoro Method and the Eisenhower Matrix

Imagine cherishing each daily task as a small victory, and being able to see a significant improvement in your productivity as the days go by. What if you could prioritize your tasks more effectively? If you’re looking for such a workflow model, the combination of the Pomodoro Method and the Eisenhower Matrix might just be the answer to your prayers.

Blocks of uninterrupted work time

The Pomodoro Method, named after the candy apple-shaped kitchen timer, advocates breaking down your workload into dedicated blocks of time. Created by Francesco Cirillo, this simple but effective method emphasizes the importance of maintaining focus for a set amount of intense work followed by a well-deserved break, much like a run where you alternate between sprinting and recovery. In the case of the Pomodoro Method, intervals of 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest are generally recommended.

  • Why the Pomodoro method?

The advantages of this method abound:

  • It helps combat procrastination by making work more manageable.
  • It improves focus and cognitive sharpness by creating a sense of urgency.
  • It promotes better time management by eliminating distractions and focusing on completing specific tasks.
  • She encourages work-life balance by setting aside time for regular breaks.

Prioritization of tasks

This is where the Eisenhower Matrix comes in. A beautifully designed time management tool inspired by the 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower. He shared the philosophy that “what is important is not always urgent and what is urgent is not always important.”

The Eisenhower Matrix is ​​a four-quadrant diagram that provides a clear visualization of your tasks, organized by urgency and importance:

  • Quadrant I - Important and Urgent Tasks
  • Quadrant II - Important, but not urgent tasks
  • Quadrant III - Urgent but unimportant tasks
  • Quadrant IV - Non-urgent and non-important tasks

By adopting the combination of these two methods, you can optimize your productivity to new heights. In a hyper-connected world with a myriad of distractions at your fingertips, it is essential to stay focused and organized. By adopting the Pomodoro Method and the Eisenhower Matrix, you could not only improve your productivity, but also the quality of your time and performance at work.

So don't hesitate, grab your notebook or favorite app, set your pomodoros, categorize your tasks in the Eisenhower Matrix, and start working smarter now!

Preventing distractions and optimizing the work environment

Focus is a key skill for our daily productivity, and this is especially true in a work environment. In our modern age, distractions are everywhere, especially with the constant flow of digital information. Fortunately, by following a few simple strategies, we can avoid distractions and optimize our workspace to maximize our potential.

  • Create a conducive workspace : Ideally, your workspace should be quiet, comfortable, and well-lit. That said, everyone is unique, which means there is no right or wrong way to set up your work environment. It’s up to each of us to create a space that inspires us, where we feel comfortable, and productive.
  • Manage your notifications : These days, our devices are constantly bombarding us with notifications. It’s up to us to take control and set clear boundaries. Consider turning off non-urgent notifications during your work hours.
  • Plan your day : Having a clear plan for each day helps you focus on what’s really important. This can be as simple as writing a to-do list each morning or using an electronic calendar to organize your day.
  • Take breaks : It may seem counterintuitive, but taking breaks can actually improve your focus. The idea is to take short breaks to do something else, before returning to work with a fresh mind.

“To know how to succeed, you must know how to rest,” an unknown wise man once said. It’s true, even though our work culture tends to value overwork, burnout is not good for anyone.

Ultimately, it’s all about finding what works best for you. Every individual is different, and what works for one may not work for another. To optimize your work environment, you need to find your own rhythm and follow what makes you feel most productive. In doing so, you can transform your workspace into a true oasis of productivity.

Set clear goals

The first crucial step in learning the French language is to set clear goals. Whether you want to learn French for travel, work, or simply for the pleasure of learning a new language, having goals will help you stay focused and motivated.

The goal should be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. In other words, define precisely what you want to achieve, how you will measure it, make sure it is something you can reasonably achieve, make sure it is realistic given your current level and set a deadline for achieving this goal.

Here are some examples of SMART goals for learning French:

  • Understand a French TV show in six months.
  • Be able to read a novel in French by the end of the year.
  • Be able to hold a basic conversation in French within the next three months.

It’s also important to break your goals down into smaller, more manageable goals. For example, if your goal is to read a novel in French, you might set a weekly goal of reading a chapter in French.

Another point to emphasize is the importance of setting goals that match your interests. If you enjoy reading science fiction novels, why not try reading one in French? If you are a cooking fan, perhaps your goal could be to understand a recipe in French. Setting goals that match your interests will make learning French much more enjoyable and motivating.

Setting clear goals for learning French is the first step towards success. Not only will it help you stay focused and motivated, but it will also make learning much more enjoyable and interesting.

Learning a new language can seem like a daunting task at first, but with clear goals and a positive attitude, you'll be surprised at how much progress you can make. So, take a moment to think about what you want to achieve with your French studies, set clear goals, and start your language journey with enthusiasm and determination!

"A goal without a plan is just a wish." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.


In conclusion, maintaining a clean and tidy home despite a busy schedule may seem overwhelming, but it is not an impossible task. With a little organization, the adoption of new habits, and the help of innovative technologies, you can clean your home efficiently and save valuable time for other activities.

That’s where our proud company, Beatsvor®, comes in. Our high-quality robot vacuums and powerful cordless stick vacuums can help you stay on top of your cleaning, without the hassle of manual cleaning. They’re designed to save you time and reduce your household workload. So, go ahead, visit us by clicking here , and let Beatsvor® take over your cleaning routine!

Having a clean and tidy home is more than a luxury, it’s a way to reduce stress, increase productivity, and improve quality of life. Plus, instead of treating housework as a chore, think of it as a self-care routine: by keeping your living space clean, you’re taking care of your mental and physical well-being. So, take a deep breath, plan, prioritize, and dive into the joy of having a clean and tidy home.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to organize your schedule to keep a clean house despite a demanding job?

    To maintain a clean home despite a demanding job, it is essential to plan and organize your schedule. Allocate specific time slots for household chores and create a list of prioritized tasks.

  2. What are some tips for keeping a clean and tidy home on a daily basis?

    Some tips for keeping a clean and tidy home on a daily basis are: regularly putting things back in their place, cleaning surfaces after use, doing the dishes immediately, making the bed every morning and regularly decluttering living spaces.

  3. How to deal with clutter and lack of time for household chores?

    To deal with clutter and lack of time for household chores, you can: delegate certain tasks to other family members, hire a housekeeper, or simplify your home by decluttering and minimizing your storage space.

  4. What are effective cleaning products for keeping a house clean?

    To maintain a clean home, you can use common cleaning products such as white vinegar, baking soda, dish soap, disinfecting wipes, and multi-surface products. They are effective and affordable.

  5. How to motivate the whole family to participate in household chores?

    To motivate the whole family to participate in household chores, involve them in the decision-making process, set realistic goals, reward efforts, create a schedule and assign responsibilities to each person. Also, organize fun family cleaning times.


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