Tips for keeping a clean home while balancing work and family life

Tips for keeping a clean home while balancing work and family life

Hello everyone! Today, we’re going to talk about a problem that many of us face: how to keep our home clean while balancing work and family life. We all know how difficult it can be to find the time and energy to clean our home regularly. Fortunately, there are some simple and effective tips to help you keep your home clean, without having to spend hours on it every day. In this article, we’ll share with you our tips for keeping your home spotless, even when you’re overwhelmed by your daily obligations. So, are you ready to discover our tips? Let’s go!

How to clean properly: Basic tips

When it comes to keeping a clean home, it’s essential to know the basic tricks to tackle everyday household chores. Here are some tips to help you clean your home effectively while balancing your work and family life:

Wash towels

  • It is recommended to wash terry towels, washcloths and bath mats every 3 days at 60°C to avoid bacteria nests. [1]

Open the windows and remove the curtains

  • To ventilate your home, it is important to regularly open the windows and let fresh air in. Don't forget to remove the curtains and wash them regularly to remove dust and odors.

Sweep floors and dust furniture

  • To keep your floors clean, sweep them regularly to remove dirt and dust. Also, don't forget to dust furniture with a dry or slightly damp cloth to remove dust that accumulates over time.

By following these basic tips, you can keep your home clean while managing your busy schedule. It’s important to balance your work life with your family responsibilities, and these tips can help you maximize your cleaning time. Stay organized and maintain a regular cleaning routine to prevent dirt and clutter from building up, which will make your overall home cleaning process much easier!

[1] Source: Study from the Journal of Applied Microbiology.

Staying Organized: Washing Dishes

When it comes to keeping your home clean while balancing work and family life, one of the most important tasks is making sure the dishes are always clean and ready to go. Here are some tips for staying organized and managing dishwashing efficiently:

Invest in a dishwasher : A dishwasher can be a real ally in helping you keep your home clean. Investing in a good quality dishwasher can save you valuable time. Try to always put all your dirty dishes in the dishwasher as soon as you are done eating, to keep your sink clear and prevent dirty dishes from accumulating in the kitchen.

Establish a dishwashing routine : It can be helpful to establish a daily routine for washing dishes. For example, you might choose to run the dishwasher every night before bed, so that each morning you have clean dishes ready to put away. You can also take advantage of this time to quickly empty the dishwasher, so that you can start the day with a clean and tidy kitchen.

Designate responsibilities : If you have family members living with you, it can be helpful to designate responsibilities for dishwashing. For example, you could ask each of them to put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher after meals, or to participate in the rotation of washing and putting away dishes. This can help you divide up the tasks and make the dishwashing process easier.

Use quality dishwashing products : Use quality dishwashing products to ensure impeccable results. Choose detergents that are effective in removing stains and grease, as well as rinse aids to prevent streaks on dishes. It is also important to clean the dishwasher filter regularly to ensure optimal operation and avoid problems.

These simple tips can help you stay organized and keep your home clean when it comes to dishes. A dishwasher, a washing routine, dividing up responsibilities, and using quality products are the keys to maintaining a clean and tidy kitchen, even when you are busy with your daily life. So, adopt these tips and say goodbye to the chore of dirty dishes in your home!

Deep cleaning

When it comes to keeping your home clean, deep cleaning is essential. This means you'll pay special attention to areas that need regular deep cleaning. Here are some tips for effective deep cleaning.

Impeccable toilets

Toilets are often one of the hardest places to clean, but it's important to keep them clean to prevent the spread of germs. Here are some tips for a thorough toilet cleaning:

  • Use a specific toilet cleaner and apply it generously to the bowl.
  • Use a toilet brush to thoroughly scrub the bowl and remove any stains or deposits.
  • Remember to also clean the exterior of the bowl, including the base and lid, with a suitable disinfectant cleaner.
  • Finish by cleaning the bezel and tank with a clean cloth and disinfectant.

Once a month, remember to also disinfect the brush holder and the toilet paper holder to maintain optimal cleanliness in your bathroom.


The shower is another place where it's important to do a regular deep cleaning to prevent soap scum and mold buildup. Here are some steps to properly clean your shower:

  • Start by removing shower accessories such as curtains or shower doors.
  • Use a shower-specific cleaner and apply it to all surfaces, including walls, floors, and shower fixtures.
  • Use a sponge or soft brush to scrub surfaces and remove soap or limescale deposits.
  • Remember to rinse all surfaces thoroughly with clean water to remove any cleaner residue.
  • Then wipe the surfaces with a clean towel or dry cloth to avoid water marks.

Remember to deep clean your shower at least once a week to prevent dirt buildup.


Carpets are breeding grounds for dust and allergens, so it’s important to deep clean them regularly to maintain a healthy environment. Here are some tips for deep cleaning your carpets:

  • Start by vacuuming the carpet to remove dust and surface dirt.
  • Depending on the type of carpet, you can use different cleaning methods. For example, for wool carpets, it is recommended to use a professional dry cleaning service.
  • For machine washable rugs, check the manufacturer's instructions and wash as recommended.
  • If you have rugs that cannot be machine washed, you can use a specific carpet cleaner and a brush to scrub visible stains.
  • Remember to let the mats dry completely before replacing them.

Deep cleaning carpets should be done at least once a year, but it's best to do it more often if you have pets or a lot of traffic in the room.

"Regular deep cleaning of your home is essential to maintaining a healthy environment. Toilets, showers and carpets all require regular deep cleaning to remove germs, dirt and allergens. By following these tips, you can keep your home clean and fresh all year round."

Delegate cleaning

House cleaning can be an exhausting task, especially when you're juggling your work and family life. Fortunately, there are ways to relieve yourself of some of these responsibilities by delegating cleaning to others. Here are some tips to help you delegate your house cleaning effectively:

  1. Hire a housekeeper : Hiring a housekeeper can be an effective solution to delegate the cleaning of your home. A housekeeper can come regularly and take care of all the household chores, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life. Make sure to find someone you trust and check their references before hiring them.
  2. Involving family members : Involving your family in household chores can help ease the burden of cleaning. Assign specific tasks to each family member, based on their age and abilities. This can include sweeping the floors, putting away toys, washing dishes, etc. By sharing responsibilities, you contribute to a clean environment and all family members feel involved and responsible.
  3. Outsource some tasks : If you don’t have the time or energy to do cleaning, consider outsourcing specific tasks. For example, you can hire a cleaning company to take care of window washing or deep cleaning from time to time. This will allow you to focus on other important tasks in your life while keeping your home clean and well-maintained.
  4. Use Online Services : Nowadays, there are many online platforms that allow you to find cleaning professionals in your area. These platforms allow you to compare the rates and services offered by different providers, which will help you find the best option for your needs. Make sure to read reviews from previous customers before making your choice.

Delegating cleaning can help free up your time to focus on the things that matter most in your life. Whether you choose to hire a cleaner, involve your family, outsource, or use online services, the goal is to take the burden of cleaning off your shoulders so you can enjoy a clean home and valuable time with your loved ones. So, don’t hesitate to delegate and give yourself a little break!

Optimize your cleaning time

Time is precious, especially when you’re juggling a busy work life and family responsibilities. Trying to find time to keep your home clean can seem like a daunting task. But don’t worry, there are some tips to help you maximize your cleaning time and keep your home spotless. Here are some handy tips:

  • Start with the cleanest areas : When tackling cleaning your home, start with areas that are already relatively clean, like your bedroom or living room. This will allow you to quickly cross a task off your list and give you a sense of accomplishment right from the start.
  • Create a cleaning schedule : Create a weekly cleaning schedule by defining which days you will dedicate to which specific tasks. For example, you might choose to do laundry on Monday, vacuum on Wednesday, and clean the bathroom on Friday. This way, you will know exactly what you need to do each day of the week and you won't have to worry about doing everything at once.
  • Use effective cleaning products : Invest in quality cleaning products that will save you time. For example, a steam cleaner can help you clean floors faster and more effectively than a traditional mop. Also, choose products that have multiple uses, such as an all-in-one cleaner for multiple surfaces, to reduce the number of products you need to use.
  • Get the whole family involved : Involve your family in cleaning the house by assigning them chores that are appropriate for their age and level of responsibility. Not only will this help you spread the workload, but it will also teach your children the importance of taking care of their environment.
  • Use the right tools : Having the right cleaning tools can make all the difference in efficiency and speed. For example, a cordless vacuum can help you clean faster without having to worry about messy cords. Similarly, investing in quality microfiber cloths can make cleaning surfaces faster and easier.

By following these simple tips, you will be able to optimize your cleaning time and keep your home spotless, even with a busy schedule. Remember to give yourself a break every now and then and not be too hard on yourself. After all, a perfectly clean home is not necessarily a sign of a balanced and happy life.

Keeping your home clean every day

Having a clean and well-maintained home can seem like a challenge when you’re juggling your busy work life and family responsibilities. However, it’s entirely possible to maintain a satisfactory level of cleanliness by adopting a few simple habits and organizing your cleaning routine. In this article, we’ll share with you practical tips for keeping your home clean every day, even when you’re overwhelmed.

Bedside table

One of the easiest ways to keep your home clean is to clean your nightstand every day. This small surface is often overlooked, but it easily accumulates dust and small debris. By wiping your nightstand with a damp cloth, you can quickly remove dirt and keep your room clean and welcoming.

Wet wipes

Having wet wipes on hand is another easy way to keep your home clean at all times. These handy wipes can be used to quickly clean surfaces like kitchen counters, tables, and even children’s toys. They’re convenient and effective at removing stains and dirt, and they’ll save you time on your daily cleaning tasks.

Basic tips

There are also some basic cleaning tips that can help you maintain a consistent level of cleanliness in your home. Here are some of the most common tips:

  • Washing towels: It is recommended to wash terry towels, washcloths and bath mats every 3 days at 60°C to avoid bacteria nests. This will allow you to keep your hand towels clean and hygienic.
  • Open windows and remove curtains: Airing out your home by opening windows helps to renew the air and remove stagnant odours. In addition to this, removing curtains and washing them regularly will help to eliminate dust build-up and keep your home fresh and clean.
  • Sweep the floors and dust the furniture: Taking a few minutes each day to sweep the floors and dust the furniture will help keep your home clean and tidy. Removing dust and small dirt regularly will save you from having to spend long hours on deep cleaning.

Specific cleaning techniques

When it comes to cleaning your home, it’s important to know and use the right techniques to get the best results. Here are some tips for specific cleaning tasks:

Windows, walls, sockets and switches

  • Windows can be a challenge to clean without leaving streaks. To avoid this, use a mixture of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture on the windows and wipe with a clean cloth.
  • Walls can accumulate dust and stains over time. To clean them, use a slightly damp sponge with a small amount of mild soap. Gently rub the stains and then dry with a clean cloth.
  • Sockets and switches can also accumulate dust and dirt. Use a slightly damp cloth to clean them, avoiding getting the electrical parts wet.


  • Floors can be a magnet for dirt and stains. Using a steam cleaner is a great option for deep cleaning and eliminating bacteria. The hot steam action helps dissolve embedded dirt and eliminate allergens. Be sure to use the right type of steam cleaner depending on your floor type (hardwood, tile, etc.).
  • Carpets also require regular cleaning to remove allergens and stains. Use a vacuum cleaner with a carpet-specific brush attachment to remove surface dirt. For stains, use a specific stain remover or a mixture of water and white vinegar. Apply the stain remover to the stain, gently scrub with a brush, then rinse with clean water.

These specific cleaning techniques will help you keep your home clean and fresh. It is always best to use gentle and eco-friendly cleaning products to protect your health and the environment. Remember to always test products on a small area before using them on a larger area to avoid possible damage.

Tip : When cleaning, work from top to bottom. Start with high surfaces, like shelves, cabinets, and chandeliers, and then move to lower surfaces, like walls and floors. This will help minimize dirt that falls onto surfaces that have already been cleaned.

By using these specific cleaning techniques, you can keep your home clean and welcoming at all times.

Sort your clothes

One tip to declutter your closet and keep your home clean is to sort through your clothes regularly and get rid of what you no longer need. Sorting clothes not only frees up space, but also makes it easier to organize and clean your home. Here are some tips to help you sort your clothes efficiently:

  • Take inventory: Start by taking inventory of all your clothes. This will give you a clear picture of what you own and help you decide which items you want to keep.
  • Make a selection: Go through your clothes and separate them into three piles: keep, donate, and toss. Ask yourself questions like: Do I really wear this item? Is it still in good condition? Does it still fit me? This will help you make informed decisions.
  • Take a seasonal approach: To make sorting easier, you can organize your clothes according to the seasons. Put away winter clothes when the season is over and make room for summer clothes. This will also make it easier to visualize what you have and make sure you wear all of your clothes.
  • Give a second life: Rather than throwing away your clothes, consider donating them to charity or reselling them. You can also organize a clothing swap with friends or participate in garage sales to sell your clothes.
  • Organize your closet: Once you have sorted your clothes, it is important to organize them properly in your closet. Use drawer dividers, hangers, and storage boxes to optimize space and make finding clothes easier.

Sorting your clothes regularly is a great way to keep your home clean and get rid of clutter. Not only will it make your closet more functional, it will also help you better appreciate and use the clothes you really love. So, take the time to sort your clothes and enjoy a clean and tidy home.


In conclusion, keeping a clean home while balancing work and family life may seem difficult, but it is not impossible. By following the tips and tricks mentioned in this article, you can create a clean and tidy environment in your home without spending hours cleaning. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Wash towels, washcloths and bath mats regularly to avoid bacteria.
  • Invest in a dishwasher to make cleaning dishes easier.
  • Perform regular deep cleaning of toilets, showers and carpets.
  • Consider delegating some cleaning tasks to lighten your workload.
  • Maximize your cleaning time by starting with the cleanest areas of the house.
  • Regularly clean surfaces in your home, such as bedside tables, with wet wipes.
  • Use specific cleaning techniques, such as using white vinegar for windows and walls, and a steam cleaner for floors.
  • Sort your clothes regularly to declutter your closet.

With these tips in mind, you can maintain a clean and organized home while balancing your work and family responsibilities. And don’t forget, for more efficient and effortless cleaning, you can also consider investing in a robot vacuum or a powerful cordless vacuum. At Beatsvor®, we offer a selection of high-quality robot vacuums and high-performance cordless vacuums to make your cleaning easier. Visit our website here to learn more and enjoy the benefits of cleaning automation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to organize your schedule to keep a clean house while managing work and family life?

    Organize your schedule by setting time blocks for household chores, involving the whole family in cleaning tasks, delegating certain tasks if possible, and staying organized with to-do lists.

  2. What are the essential cleaning tools to keep a clean house?

    Essential cleaning tools for maintaining a clean home include: a vacuum cleaner, a mop, microfiber cloths, a broom, a scrub brush, soap or multi-purpose detergents, and cleaning gloves.

  3. How to keep order in an occupied house?

    To maintain order in a busy home, create a storage system for each family member, designate storage areas for everyday items, perform regular decluttering tasks, and encourage everyone in the family to tidy up after themselves.

  4. How to make the cleaning process more efficient?

    To make the cleaning process more efficient, use multi-purpose cleaning products, work in zones, use quick cleaning tips, regularly maintain household appliances, and set a regular cleaning schedule.

  5. Are there professional services available for housekeeping?

    Yes, there are professional services available for housekeeping. You can hire a housekeeper, a cleaning company, or use online platforms to find qualified professionals to take care of your home.


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