How to Keep a Clean Apartment While Working a Full-Time Job

How to Keep a Clean Apartment While Working a Full-Time Job

Keeping an apartment clean while working a full-time job can seem like an insurmountable task. Between work responsibilities, personal commitments, and the need for some me-time, apartment cleaning often falls to the bottom of the priority list. But think again, it’s entirely possible to maintain a clean and organized environment without sacrificing your free time or your sanity. And guess what? You don’t necessarily need to hire outside help to do it.

So how do you do it? Here are some tips and strategies to consider to keep your apartment clean and tidy, even with a busy schedule. By following these tips, you will create a healthy and pleasant living space, while preserving time to relax and have fun. Let’s get to it! ☺️

Create a cleaning schedule

Imagine how wonderful it would be to wake up every morning to a spotless house. No dust in the corners, no dirty dishes in the sink, no shirts to iron piled on the couch. Sounds too good to be true? Well, not necessarily! With a little organization and perseverance, you can have a house that always sparkles. How? It’s simple, all you need is to create a sensible cleaning schedule. And here, we’ll show you how to do just that.

Divide the apartment into different zones

The first step to creating an effective cleaning schedule is to divide your apartment into different zones. Think of each room as a separate area. This helps you focus your efforts and makes the cleaning process manageable.

Tip: If you have a large house, divide large rooms into smaller areas as well.

Reduced daily cleaning tasks

Instead of letting the mess pile up, try breaking down cleaning tasks into small, daily tasks. For example, you can do the dishes right after dinner, vacuum once a day, while dusting can be done every other day.

Establish habits and routines

Train yourself in new cleaning habits. For example, make your bed immediately after waking up, or put away your children's toys right before bed. The key is to do a small task consistently until it becomes a routine like brushing your teeth.

Prioritize high traffic areas

High traffic areas of your home, like the living room and kitchen, need more attention. Make sure to clean them more frequently to maintain a clean and healthy environment.

Checklists or schedules

A checklist or schedule can be a lifesaver. Write down all the cleaning tasks you need to do and when you need to do them. This can help you stay organized and avoid forgetting essential tasks.

Choose the time that suits you best

Some of us are early risers, while others are night owls. Choose a time of day when you are most energetic and productive to complete your cleaning tasks.

Create a daily and weekly cleaning routine

Create a daily and weekly cleaning routine. Write down which tasks need to be done daily, such as washing dishes or vacuuming, and which tasks can be done weekly, such as deep cleaning the bathroom or kitchen.

Make a cleaning to-do list

Finally, make a list of all the cleaning tasks that you need to do and divide them into daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. This will allow you to keep track of all the tasks and ensure that every corner of your house is always clean and tidy.

So why wait? Start creating your cleaning schedule today and see for yourself how it can help you maintain a clean home with our tips for keeping a clean home while freeing up time to enjoy the things you love. You can thank the cleaning schedule later!

Combine cleaning with other activities

Who said cleaning had to be a boring and lonely task? On the contrary, I'm here to show you how cleaning can be turned into a productive and even fun activity, when combined with other tasks. Let's face it, we all find ourselves putting off cleaning sometimes because we think it will keep us from doing other things. The good news is that you can actually do it by following a few simple tips.

Multiplying tasks while cleaning

It's much easier to maintain a clean and organized home if cleaning is built into your daily routine rather than waiting for things to pile up. Here are some tips for multitasking while cleaning:

  • While brushing your teeth, take advantage of these few minutes to clean the surface of the sink or the mirror.
  • While your coffee is brewing, sweep or clear the kitchen counters.
  • Finally, while your laundry is being done, take a few minutes to dust your shelves or do a little dusting.

Use breaks to complete small cleaning tasks

Don’t let those short breaks between tasks turn into wasted time. In just a few minutes, you can accomplish a lot:

  • During the commercial break during your favorite TV show, you can easily fold laundry or put a few items away.
  • If you are busy on a phone call, use this time to clean the surfaces around you.

Clean dishes while cooking

Even in the kitchen, it is possible to combine cleaning and cooking. By cleaning while you cook, the mess doesn't accumulate. Here are some suggestions:

  • Wash any cooking utensils you used while cooking.
  • Clean all work surfaces after use.

Ironing clothes while watching TV

Watching TV can be a great opportunity to do some ironing. Sounds like a good idea, right?

The key to combining cleaning with other activities is simply being mindful of the space and time you have, as well as being creative with your daily routine. Remember, a little cleaning each day will keep your home tidy and prevent stains from piling up. So why wait? Get out your cleaning tools and get to work!

Hire a cleaning company

Whether it’s for your home, office, factory or even gym, choosing a cleaning company is an important decision. This is essential not only for the cleanliness and presentation of your space, but also for the health and safety of those who work or visit it. 🧼🧽

When looking for a cleaning company, here are some things to consider:

  1. Expertise and experience: Check if the company has experience in the type of cleaning you need. For example, cleaning a house is different from cleaning an office or factory.
  2. Reputation: Read online reviews or ask friends or colleagues for recommendations to assess the company's reputation.
  3. Services Offered: Make sure the company offers the services you need. Some only do general cleaning, while others may offer specialized services like carpet cleaning or post-construction cleaning.

“A clean environment is a healthy and productive environment.”

Now let’s move on to how to go about hiring a cleaning company. First, you need to get a quote from them, which should be based on your specific cleaning needs. Make sure you understand what the quote covers. If anything is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. Once you are satisfied with the quote, you can then move on to the next step which is signing a contract.

Remember, the key to hiring the best cleaning company is research, patience, and understanding your own needs. By following these principles, you are sure to find a company that will leave your space sparkling clean! ✨🧹🧺

So, are you ready to take the step to hire a cleaning company? If so, get ready to welcome a cleaner and healthier environment. But if you still have questions, feel free to contact us for advice on choosing a cleaning company.

Organize cleaning supplies

You’re in the middle of a large-scale cleaning of your living space and you realize… your cleaning supplies are a complete mess! Don’t worry, we’re here to help you organize your cleaning supplies efficiently. By adopting efficient organization, you can save time, energy, and most importantly, make your cleaning job all the more satisfying.

Storage containers for supplies

Start with separate storage containers for your supplies. They provide easy access, portability, and prevent clutter.

  • Choose a spacious container, preferably with compartments to separate cleaning equipment.
  • Favor water-resistant materials that can withstand wear and tear over time such as plastic or stainless steel.
  • Label each compartment. This accent will help you find specific items quickly when you are in the middle of cleaning.
“A place for everything, and everything in its place.”

Keep supplies on hand

Whether you're cleaning the kitchen or the bathroom, having your supplies on hand is essential.

  • To do this, plan for storage spaces in each room where you regularly use cleaning supplies. For example, a bathroom cabinet for bathroom cleaning products and a drawer in the kitchen for kitchen supplies.

Remember, organizing your cleaning supplies is not just about cleanliness. It is a way to express love for your living space, a statement of respect for your environment. So, take your time, follow this guide, and turn your daily cleaning activity into a rewarding experience.

Involve the family in cleaning tasks

Getting the family involved in cleaning chores may seem like a big challenge, but it’s also an incredible opportunity to teach your kids meaningful skills. Not only does it help them understand the value of teamwork, but it also helps them understand the importance of living in a clean and tidy environment. Plus, it can also free up some of your time, which can be a boon for busy parents . So how can you successfully get the whole family involved in cleaning chores?

Teaching children to help with household chores

One of the keys to creating a successful family cleaning routine is to make the chores fun. Children are naturally drawn to activities that are presented in a playful way. Here are some suggestions:

  • Play cleaning games: Create mini-games around cleaning tasks, like seeing who can do it faster or who can sort toys by color.
  • Incorporate music into cleaning: Play their favorite songs while you clean. Not only does it entertain, it also makes chores less monotonous.
  • Lead by example: Children learn by observation. By involving them in your own cleaning routines, they will be able to copy your actions.
"Always remember to compliment your children's efforts, even if they are not perfect. This will help them gain confidence and develop their desire to help."

Delegate and share cleaning work with family members

Delegating tasks based on the ages and skills of family members is another effective way to share the cleaning load. This could include:

  • Assign daily chores: Everyone in the family can have simple daily chores, such as making their bed or emptying the dishwasher.
  • Implement a rotational schedule: This is a fair way to distribute tasks and avoid anyone feeling overloaded.
  • Use checklists: These can help everyone understand what is expected and see their progress.

Involving the family in cleaning chores is not just about keeping the house clean. It promotes a sense of ownership, cooperation, and shared responsibility. Remember, there is no need to expect perfection. The important thing is that everyone does their best and that the tasks are completed in a spirit of cooperation.

Morning and evening routines

The beginning and end of your day should always be peaceful. For many, this may seem out of reach, especially if you have a messy house. However, a well-organized morning and evening routine is the key to the efficiency of your day. In this context, we will provide you with some tips to create your routine and lighten your mental loads.

Tidy up quickly in the morning and evening

Give yourself 15 minutes each morning and evening to quickly tidy up. Whether it’s clothes on a chair, toys scattered on the floor, or uncleaned dishes, this habit can go a long way toward organizing your home.

  • Morning : Wash away all traces of the night before and start your day on a positive note.
  • Evening : Prepare to recharge your mind and body in a calming environment.

Make your bed every morning

A well-made bed is a sign of an organized mind. It’s also the kickoff to your day. By spending a few minutes arranging your bed in the morning, you’re setting the mood for productivity and well-being. Remember that visual comfort is just as important as physical comfort for a healthy, restful sleep.

Avoiding Avoidable Disorders

Some disorders can be avoided with a little forethought. For example:

  • Set a specific location for your keys to avoid desperately searching for them in the morning.
  • Consider a shoe box near the entrance to avoid obstructions.
  • Organize your desk the night before for a stress-free workday.

Routines to stay organized throughout the day

A well-structured routine can help you keep your home tidy throughout the day. Some suggestions might include:

  • A specific schedule for doing laundry.
  • A dedicated time to sort mail and documents.
  • A time to prepare meals for the next day.

And there you have it! Take each tip at your own pace and incorporate it into your daily routine. Soon, you'll see not only a tidier home, but also a noticeable improvement in your stress management and productivity.

Tackle clutter regularly

Who doesn’t love coming home to a clean and tidy house after a long day at work? Clutter, of course, is the enemy of peace and quiet. It only creates stress and discomfort in your living space. We’ll look at how you can keep your home tidy by regularly removing unnecessary items, preventing clutter from accumulating, and completing the cleaning cycle, finishing every task from start to finish.

Regularly delete unnecessary items

The first step to maintaining a clean and tidy environment is to regularly get rid of items you no longer need. This could be clothes you no longer wear, furniture that is taking up space, or even old magazines that are piling up.

  • Evaluate what you actually use and what just serves to clutter the space.
  • Let's think about donating some items to charity or recycling them.
  • Having a tidy home will not only help you feel better, but it will also make it easier to find what you need.

Avoid the accumulation of clutter

It is also important to manage new acquisitions well to avoid adding additional clutter.

  • Don't give in to the temptation to buy things you don't really need.
  • Try to create an efficient storage system for the items you use regularly.
  • Ultimately, everything should have its place, which will help you maintain order in your home.

Complete the cleaning cycle by completing tasks from start to finish

One last aspect to keep in mind is the importance of finishing what you start. This means that if you start cleaning a room, you should leave it in a spotless condition before moving on to anything else.

  • Choose one task at a time to avoid getting sidetracked.
  • This way, not only will you keep your house tidy, but you will also feel like you have accomplished something when you complete your task.

Taking the time to tackle clutter regularly can seem overwhelming at first, especially if you have a busy life. However, by adopting these simple habits, you can transform your home into a well-organized and tidy space, making your daily life much more enjoyable and less stressful. So, what are you waiting for? Start creating harmony in your home by keeping your space clean and tidy today.


Maintaining a clean apartment while working a full-time job can be a challenge, but with planning, organization, and a little help, it’s definitely possible. And remember, investing in technology that makes your life easier, like Beatsvor® robot vacuums and cordless stick vacuums, can save you a lot of time and effort. Enjoy the comfort of a clean home with less effort with our premium products available on our site .

And remember, the key is to create a routine that works for you and stick to it. Happy cleaning and keep your head up: a clean and tidy apartment is within your reach!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I manage cleaning my apartment with a full-time job?

    Managing your apartment cleaning with a full-time job can be challenging, but creating a regular cleaning schedule is essential. Allocate specific time slots for each cleaning task and divide tasks between days of the week to avoid backlogs.

  2. What are some tips for keeping my apartment clean on a daily basis?

    To keep your apartment clean on a daily basis, some helpful tips include: putting items away after using them, doing dishes immediately, giving surfaces a quick wipe down, vacuuming or sweeping floors regularly, and doing a deep cleaning task every week.

  3. How can I efficiently organize my storage space to make cleaning easier?

    To make cleaning easier, organize your storage space efficiently by using storage boxes, shelves, and drawers. Label the boxes so you know where your things are and store similar items together. This will help keep your apartment tidy and make cleaning easier.

  4. What are the essential cleaning products to have to keep an apartment clean?

    Essential cleaning supplies for keeping a clean apartment include: all-purpose cleaner, disinfectant, sponge or scouring pad, vacuum cleaner, broom, mop, window squeegee, and microfiber cloths.

  5. Is it better to hire a professional cleaning service to keep an apartment clean?

    Hiring a professional cleaning service can be a convenient option if you are short on time to clean your apartment. However, it depends on your preferences and budget. If you can afford it, it can be an effective way to ensure a clean apartment without having to spend time and energy on it.


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